Building a nationwide culture of business as a force for good
Scotland CAN B exists to leverage the role of business towards building a Wellbeing Economy
Globally, we are witnessing the accelerating convergence of economic imperative with economic opportunity, as a culture shift sees socially and environmentally accountable business practices as an ever more distinct, and growing, competitive advantage.
Scotland CAN B’s purpose is to provide leadership and support for businesses and business intermediaries, as the shift towards a more just, regenerative, and distributive Wellbeing Economy in Scotland emerges, informed by Scotland’s National Performance Framework (NPF), for all people, for the planet, and for future generations.
Our work is helping to position Scotland at the vanguard of economic system change.
We take a dual strand approach:
We foster impact culture
Cultivating coherence and alignment in the mindsets, language, tools, and frameworks used when we engage with business purpose and impact in Scotland.
We deliver impact trainings
Supporting Scotland’s businesses (and their advisors) to measure and manage their social, environmental, and governance performance, with as much rigour as their profits.
We work with three key audiences:
We work with policymakers and system leaders to foster policy coherence and a joined-up, systemic approach to leveraging the role of business towards economic systems change and building a Wellbeing Economy in Scotland.
We train business support professionals in the latest impact tools, mindsets, and methodologies, so that they can support Scottish businesses to measure and manage their social, environmental, and governance performance.
We’ve developed the Impact Journey – a government-backed 6-module methodology, designed to equip any business with the capabilities to better understand, measure, and manage their impact.
The Impact Journey
A cyclical, comprehensive, and holistic methodology designed to support any Scottish business, regardless of size, sector, or stage, on their journey of understanding, measuring and managing their impact.
National & Global contribution
We help businesses and Scotland’s entrepreneurial support ecosystem understand and engage in their vital contribution towards realising national and global wellbeing & sustainable development targets –
Scotland's National Performance Framework &
the Sustainable Development Goals.
Scotland CAN B was launched in 2018 by the First Minister for Scotland in a unique partnership with B Lab UK (the non-profit behind the global B Corp movement) with the aim of catalysing a fundamental shift in the nation’s approach to business.
Conceived as a sister initiative to Scotland Can Do, and ahead of changing market forces where business accountability for social and environmental impact is increasingly essential; Scotland CAN B was created to explore what happens when you combine the entrepreneurial, innovative, and business for good ambitions of one country.