Adopting a systemic approach
In order to catalyse the kind of fundamental culture shift we seek, there are three key audiences that we must engage:

System Leaders
We work with policymakers and system leaders to foster policy coherence and a joined-up, strategic and systemic approach to leveraging the role of business towards economic systems change and building a wellbeing economy in Scotland.

Advisors & Intermediaries
We train business support professionals in the latest impact tools, mindsets, and methodologies, so that they can support Scottish businesses to measure and manage their social, environmental, and governance performance.
We work with intermediaries ranging from national business membership organisations and networks, to the Government’s main enterprise agencies, to independent entrepreneurial support intermediaries, consultancies, awards, investors, and more.

Business Leaders
All Scottish businesses, regardless of sector, size, or stage can benefit from better understanding their purpose and impact.
We developed the Impact Journey to help make this a reality.